Thursday, March 13, 2014

Two Lesbians Walk Into A Church- The Amazing Story

This article is about the story of a lesbian woman who soon became a Christian and has overcome her struggles.  And how did this start? Because the people at church did not outright reject her as she had "planned".  We may not agree with people; and they may be outright immoral. But we as Christians have to be the light, we still need to be nice to them. -and as this story shows; it can have a great reward.

Please comment on my posts! It is what keeps me going, why write if there are no readers?

Jeremiah 3:14-15

So I started Jeremiah the day before yesterday; and am so far REALLY liking it! I am trying to get back into the Old Testament; as I have mostly been reading the NT the past year; I find it difficult to learn from stories( Exodus and 1 Samuel for instance). Does anyone else have that problem? So I have decided to take a break from the book I was reading and read a different book in the OT-Jeremiah. Anyway, I just have to say, I REALLY like it.

“Return, O backsliding children,” says the Lord; “for I am married to you. I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion. And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. ~ Jeremiah 3:14-15

Please comment on my posts! Its what keeps me going; why write something if no one will read it? 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

What Is Raise A Light Project?

Raise A Light Project is something I started, to write what God has been putting on my mind, relating to His church.  Lately I have been noticing that God has been showing me what is wrong in the church. At first I mostly noticed it in other churches; but now I am noticing it in my church as well. No person is perfect, and neither is any church. -However, we should always strive for His high standard.

You may wonder what I mean by "problems within the church".  One of the first things that was put on my heart, and this was several years ago, is that most churches, particularly non-conservative ones put such an emphasis on grace that they forget about God's standard and act like its not a big deal to sin because He is abundant in grace. He is abundant in grace, but that is no excuse for sinning-we should still try to be our best.

"What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" Romans 6:1-2

I also noticed some problems about evangelism. Two extremes between the conservative and non-conservative churches. A lot of non-conservative churches take a "be friends with everyone attitude" even when they themselves are not able to handle the temptations that their worldly friends present them with. But ironically, the conservatives, who are often times more prepared, take a complete opposite approach.  They are so focused on "not loosing their salt" that they nearly completely forget the first part of the verse that says to be "the salt of the world". Now here is the thing, we are not supposed to "hide" ourselves from the world in fear of being brought to temptation. What we are supposed to do is equip ourselves so that we can resist those temptations.

Now please note that I am not saying this about all "non-conservatives" or all "conservatives"; but rather making a general observation. Now some will say that conservatives do evangelise. But let me tell you this, if I was not born into a Christian family and they used a door-to-door method on me- it would get me further away from Christ; NOT closer. The only way I could possibly see myself coming to Christ is if I came to have a friendship with a Christian I respected.  And no, I did not say acquaintance, but neither did I say best friend. Now this might not be the same for everyone, but I believe it is for many people.  And it seemed sad to me that if I were not born into a Christian family the likelihood that I would become a conservative Christian would be really slim. And why? Because conservatives did not want to loose their salt? But let me tell you this, by not evangelizing, we are loosing an opportunity to create salt in others. -and not only that, but we are still in a way loosing our salt because we are not investing it.  

Now to end this I am not saying that every Christian should be friends with non-christians. Some Christians have not yet developed that self-contol, and are particularly susceptible. But if you can, just give it a try. -you should.

I see I have somewhat driven off the path of my original planned topic...... Well thats what God put on my mind! I guess thats what God wanted me to say. :D So basically put, the Raise A Light Project is about what God has put in our minds and hearts-what He shows us. So if you would like to write for this blog, just comment below and maybe I can get you hooked up!

Also I would recommend reading this, it gives some statistics on the unchurched and what would get them to go to church. Like did you know that 82% of people are at least somewhat likely to go to church if invited but that 7 out of 10 unchurched people have never been invited in their whole lives?
" To God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ forever. Amen."

"For if I preach the gospel, that gives me no ground for boasting. For necessity is laid upon me. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!" -1 Corinthians 9:16

Please comment on my posts! Its what keeps me going; why write something if no one will read it? 

"Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited." –Dr. Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door - See more at:
"Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited." –Dr. Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door - See more at:
"Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited." –Dr. Thom Rainer - See more at:
"Eighty-two percent of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited." –Dr. Thom Rainer - See more at: